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Monday, November 22, 2010

神聖かまってちゃん (Shinsei kamattechan) @ Shibuya WWW (11/19/10)

FINALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.... A show that is comparable to an US mosh pit!!!!!!!!!!

For some reason I managed to get a good ticket... Oh yes, that's because I actually went to Lawson at exactly 10am when tickets were released... So I managed to get a ticket below 50 and got quite in front.

The two girls behind me wanted to cut in when the band came on but HELL, if I survived AMERICAN MOSH PITS, NOTHING JAPAN can throw at me I won't be able to handle!!!

Or at least I think so.

Neways, they didn't get to cut in but DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!! The crowd was CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! We were crushed, screaming and crushed and screaming!! IT WAS EXCELLENTTTTTTTTT!!!

It was soooooooooooooooo incredibly refreshing to get back into pits like that where you can't in hell summimasen (excuse me) your way to the front like in the other shows I usually go for!!!

I was also really, really, really, really VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY surprised that I didn't have to pay the usual daylight robbery 500yen for a drink!!!

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD they even gave all of us this nifty hardhat to wear!!! Oh!! and we could keep the hat too!!!!

We HAD TO wear it coz that's what noko (the vocalist) wanted for EVERYONE who were there. Even the crew, photographers and such!!!!

In the style of Shinsei Kamattechan, the whole show was broadcast live to Nico Nico and fans write comments directly at Nico Nico and the whole thing was projected at the background of the stage. So that was quite cool!!

That's when I learned that 888888888888888888888888 means "clap" in Japanese internet terms... Apparently 8, hachi, sounds like clap, pachi.... I think!



As for the band's performance.

It was actually really, really energetic (DUH) and noko was absolutely mental in throughout the show. He jumped into the pit, suffered a MASSIVE injury on his chin as a result, SMASHED his laptop to bits, COLLAPSED onto the stage, and FOUGHT with mono.

The whole experience was very, very, very crazy and power punched.


I did think that the whole thing was staged too well...

I mean seriously, they were dragging out their fight for too long, I think it went on for like 10 minutes with noko storming off stage and mono being a jerk...

But the whole thing was really fake. I felt.

And if you're faking it.

Well, there is a time to stop and actually get on to do what you're suppose to do: sing.

I mean... I think noko, judging from all the crazy Kamattechan videos on line, is very very very epitome of "rock and roll" 's I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude... Well actually, I thought he was more of like the epitome of what grunge was, how Kurt Cobain would be completely wasted and mental and off the walls cannon ball at the threat of exploding at any second.... noko was COMPLETELY like that.


it felt more like he was ACTING the part, than really BEING the part, like how Cobain was.

I swear Kurt had the SAME outfit and the SAME pose in some shot somewhere. Seriously.

So I really felt the whole show was a little too fake for my taste.


I think if Shinsei Kamattechan just... be themselves, and not fake anything, I'd definitely love to go for their show again.

And oh yeah, their fans just reminded me of those girl-fans of boygroups you know... So the image just completely didn't jive.

Maybe when they get back to being what they were, yes, I'll go for another show then.

The drummer is really cute tho.. If I were a guy, I'll go just to see her. ahahahaha!

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