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Thursday, January 20, 2011

セカイイチ (Sekaiichi)

The question is... How did they get from THIS:





Actually, I much prefer Iwasaki-san now... he's so much cooler with his crazy hair. lol. and he doesn't look Japanese sometimes, seriously. Or is it just me?

He's much cooler now.


Anyway, I didn't mean to like Sekaiichi.

I did see them back in 2009 in Club Que. I remembered Iwasaki-san to be really kind because the entire club was really packed and people were standing in the hallway at the entrance and couldn't really see.
He actually noticed it and asked if we could see the stage. Then he asked the people in the middle to move in a little so that more people could get into the pit and see the show.
I thought that was very thoughtful of him.

Anyway, Sekaiichi.

Actually for 2 years I only really ever liked or at least, I only ever listened to two of their songs... ミソラ and 夜と朝.

I started checking them out around the time I started checking out Merenge, when both Tsubaki and Lunkhead recommended these two bands... (I think sometimes bands all emerge at the same time... Lunkhead/Tsubaki/and friends... Then... Merenge/Sekaiichi/DW Nicols... and now, it seems to be... another new wave of bands like Any/Plenty/Galileo Galilei/LOVELOVELOVE...Somehow.. seriously.)

Anyway... So yes, I really like those two Sekaiichi songs because it means a lot to me and the songs helped me through some bad times.. It was very inspiring, and that's why I liked Sekaiichi back then, even though I didn't quite know them.

Since coming here, while I don't know many of their songs, I've been going for a lot of shows. I guess, at first, I wanted to go to support Mr. Angel. Then since i was going for so many of their shows, I thought I really should check out some of their songs ahahaha... at least those they seem to play a lot at show, so I could sing along. They had some really cool song they play at shows.. So it was good to check those songs out...

So in the end, it turned out... DAMNNNNNN when you know Sekaiichi's song... THEY REALLY THROW QUITE A PUNCH!!!!!

I think they're a really solid band!!!!!


They play amazing shows, their songs are wonderful, DIFFERENT, very.... Sekaiichi-ish! ahahaha... Unlike the other new J-rock bands emerging from this scene these days... I think the reason why I find it hard to find a band I really like these days because they're all beginning to sound the same. I think the current wave of Japanese rock bands have the same styles and most of the bands don't really offer their own unique sound, most of them actually sound quite the same as the next band.

I think they have their own sound, a little folkish funk rock (not like power rock like Tsubaki or like heavier rock like Lunkhead) but YET YET YET YET YET YET YET their songs are PACKED with ENERGY. That's what i mean about Sekaiichi's song and this power translates incredibly well at shows...


As I mentioned before... Sekaiichi's live are amazing. The way they arrange their sets, especially the shorter ones, are just incredible.

Because the set is short, you just don't even feel the songs, it's just one flow and one incredibly smooth and unexpected buildup into an exploding climax! (Usually with Capsule) and by the end of that song, you're left with your mind imploded and your lungs blown. Yes! And then they cap it off with a rockish but mellowish, Step On.

Amazing, Sekaiichi :)

ANDDDDD.. Iwasaki-san is quite really funny at lives. He tells lots of jokes and makes people laugh... The Osaka-ness in him??? Well kinoshita completely lacks the Osakaness in him lol...


I think, overall, Sekaiichi's song is actually very unlike the type of songs I usually like evry much, actually. Because I think they're a little too funkish for my real taste, and that's why before, I only really got into two of their songs....

BUT.. Sekaiichi's live is an very, very, very TANOSHIIIIIII experience.... And I DO like their songs and the songs they play live are AMAZING...

And of course, Mr. Angel has won my heart with his kindness (whether or not he's as friendly now), but he really helped me out and I am indebted to him and his kindness really, really, really touched my heart and is something that I can't just ignore/forget/forsake no matter how events turned out in the end.

So Sekaiichi, whether they are really sekai ichi (world number one)... I am not too sure... I do know though, that they're pretty close. :)

Well... at least, Ucchi-san is really almost sekai ichi most kindhearted guy I know!! Ahahahahahahahaha... ^_^;;

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